Target name

P52732: Kinesin-like protein KIF11

  Protein function

Motor protein required for establishing a bipolar spindle. Blocking of KIF11 prevents centrosome migration and arrest cells in mitosis with monoastral microtubule arrays.

  Database links

Uniprot primary ID P52732
PDB ID 2XAE 4B7B 2FL2 2IEH 2FL6 3K5E 3K3B 4BXN 2X7C 4A50 4A51 2X7E 2X7D 3KEN 3L9H 3WPN 3HQD 2WOG 2FKY 1YRS 2FME 2UYM 2UYI 4AS7 4AQV 4AQW 3CJO 2PG2 4BBG 3ZCW 2GM1 2G1Q 2X2R 4AP0 1Q0B 1II6 2Q2Y 2Q2Z 4A1Z 4A28 4CK6 4CK7 4CK5 1X88 4A5Y
DrugBank ID
BioGrid ID 110030
PharmGKB ID PA30177
KEGG ID hsa:3832
STRING ID 9606.ENSP00000260731
IntAct ID P52732
DMDM 116242604
Reactome R-HSA-983189 R-HSA-2132295
Entrez Gene (Gene ID) 3832
BindingDB P52732

  Model Performance Metrics

Fingerprint type Sensitivity SEN_std Specificity SPE_std Accuracy ACC_std F1-score F1-score_std AUC AUC_std MCC MCC_std Download model
FP2 fingerprints 0.909 0.007 0.899 0.006 0.904 0.005 0.904 0.005 0.970 0.000 0.809 0.003 Download
Estate fingerprints 0.691 0.007 0.793 0.005 0.742 0.004 0.730 0.005 0.839 0.003 0.491 0.006 Download
MACCS fingerprints 0.667 0.005 0.773 0.005 0.720 0.000 0.703 0.005 0.810 0.000 0.441 0.006 Download
Daylight fingerprints 0.722 0.006 0.840 0.000 0.781 0.003 0.767 0.005 0.856 0.005 0.567 0.005 Download
ECFP2 fingerprints 0.969 0.003 0.953 0.005 0.961 0.003 0.961 0.003 0.990 0.000 0.926 0.005 Download
ECFP4 fingerprints 0.978 0.004 0.982 0.000 0.980 0.000 0.980 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.960 0.000 Download
ECFP6 fingerprints 0.962 0.004 0.998 0.005 0.980 0.000 0.980 0.000 0.995 0.005 0.953 0.005 Download

  Download datasets

Positive dataset Negative dataset

New counts from Mar. 10, 2025 Visits between Oct. 1, 2017 to Mar. 10, 2025: 0.12 million

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